A Hack-Proof Computer. Really?

Nobody asked me, but . . .
A press release popped up in my email recently and immediately caught my attention with the words WE MAKE EVERYTHING ELECTRONIC MORE SECURE as part of the headline. Identity theft, computer hacking, corporations sending notices that “you are among possibly 12 million customers who have had their personal data compromised,” are everyday happenings. A sad and frustrating reality of the open-source world in which personal privacy is a relic of the 20th century and virtually anything about anyone is available if you know which web door to unlock. And if you’re the NAS, you don’t even have to knock first . . .
I attempt to keep up with the latest in anti-intrusion tech—the hackers vs. the anti-hackers—so I scanned the release to determine if it represented new think or was simply an ad pitch to get me to purchase the latest anti-virus software.
About half way through the release I found a paragraph heading—Hack-Proof Computer—followed by wording that a company named WINS has “ . . . designed the first fully secure computer system: The WINSAdvanced Concept Security (WINS ACS) computer. It is based on a hardware solution that is completely impervious to any form of real-time hacking or time-delay intrusions.
“The system is based on the dual-pronged concept of using distributed computing while physically cloistering anything that could infect or attack any program. (The only way the WINS ACS workstation or server-driven system can be violated is through the active participation of the operator, or a physical break-in to the system itself.)
“The WINS ACS represents the first real advance in hardware-based security for computers and servers in more than a decade, allowing for true, system-based distributed computing and absolute security.”
I’m not enough of a computer nerd to be able to vet those rather bold statements. [Though I do lay claim to having an acquaintance living in Wisconsin who bills himself as the Green Bay Hacker.]
A few paragraphs further down I came across the names of the two inventors: “The WINS enabling technologies are the brainchild of two scientists, Dan Greene and Jim Hair.”
This caused me to pause while my Way Back Machine (similar in concept and function to a Mac’s Time Machine) riffled through my personal cloud cortex storage. It stopped on December 12, 2007. On that date I had been invited as an automotive expert to witness the first independent test of a new, innovative, rotary-type, 3-chamber, HGW Expansion Engine provided to the Colorado State University Motor Sport Research Laboratory to determine the engine’s performance as measured against standard, scientific protocols.
The HGW engine was first secured to a test table and then connected to a standard hydraulic-resistance type dynamometer, which was used by CSU students for development of the engine in their Formula SAE car. CSU graduate students were in charge of recording data so that the HGH folks could not be accused of rigging the test.
It was fascinating for everyone present—HGW engineers and CEO, Dr. Don Radford who headed the CSU Motorsports program, the grad students and me—to observe the tests because the engine’s torque characteristics were similar to an electric motor, which has max torque at zero rpm. Dr. Radford commented that he had ever seen or heard of an engine with these unique torque and power characteristics.
After the dyno tests were completed, the HGW scientists completely disassembled and then reassembled the engine in full view of everyone, to not only prove that there were no hamsters in squirrel cages creating the power and torque, but also to demonstrate the speed with which the engine could be taken apart and reassembled. It took about 45 minutes, which included numerous pauses for me to take pictures.
So the WINS scientists/engineers were the same pair who had invented that unique rotary engine, which, unfortunately, has not seen the light of an engine compartment because the CEO robbed the company blind, resulting in bankruptcy.
Okay, so max points to Greene and Hair for having the tenacity to stage a comeback. I might be a motor head and qualified to attest to the viability of the HGW engine, but I’m not a computer geek, so I’ll leave it to those more qualified to tell me if the Greene-Hair pair have pulled a genie out of our bottle of Hacker Hell.
The WINS release is attached. Gentlemen and ladies . . . start your modems.
Cheyenne, WY, Oct 8, 2016 – Western Intelligent Network Systems (WINS) is a privately-held research and development company whose primary focus is on making everything electronic more secure.
WINS specializes in the creation, development and licensing of new and innovative enabling technologies for the aerospace, defense and consumer markets. Everything the WINS technology touches is far less vulnerable to hacking.
Hack-proof in many instances.
Some Grim Facts
Cyber crime has increased 4000% since 1997 (Carnegie-Mellon CERT)
50 million Americans suffered identity theft from 2002-2009 (FTC)
Approximately 15 million United States residents have their identities used fraudulently each year with financial losses totaling upwards of $50 billion.
On a case-by-case basis, that means approximately 7% of all adults have their identities misused with each instance resulting in approximately $3,500 in losses
Close to 100 million additional Americans have their personal identifying information placed at risk of identity theft each year when records maintained in government and corporate databases are lost or stolen
These alarming statistics demonstrate identity theft may be the most frequent, costly and pervasive crime in the United States
1 in 10 emails infected with ‘backdoors or Trojans”-RATS- (OECD)
OECD estimates that 400 million PCs are controlled by RATS globally
“We know from reliable intelligence that terrorist groups are not only using cyber-crime to fund their activities, but are studying how to use information attacks to undermine critical US infrastructures.” (K. Silva, CoB, Internet Security Alliance)
Using WINS patented technologies makes virtually every electronics device—computer, cell phone, smart phone, tablet—and every device containing electronics—microsatellites, automobiles, aircraft, ships—much more secure.
Along with the primary objective of elevating any device or system to the level of high security, WINS technology also creates products that are more space and weight efficient and more reliable.
WINS has been in business for more than a decade, operating mostly under the radar. During that time its technology has been used in micro satellites where every extra gram of mass or additional cubic centimeter of space eats into the amount of payload a satellite can carry into space.
Of course, one of the key requirements of a multi-million dollar satellite launch is absolute reliability, and the redundancy that can be designed into the WINS system virtually eliminates any chance of failure, while simultaneously reducing engineering costs and installation time, enhancing system flexibility.
But, believe it or not, the environment in which automotive electrical and electronic components have to operate and survive is even harsher than the nearly absolute zero, near vacuum of space.
Hack-Proof Computer
Using WINS technology, WINS designed the first fully secure computer system: The WINS Advanced Concept Security (WINS ACS) computer. It is based on a hardware solution that is completely impervious to any form of real-time hacking or time-delay intrusions.
The system is based on the dual-pronged concept of using distributed computing while physically cloistering anything that could infect or attack any program. (The only way the WINS ACS workstation or server-driven system can be violated is through the active participation of the operator, or a physical break-in to the system itself.)
The WINS ACS represents the first real advance in hardware-based security for computers and servers in more than a decade, allowing for true, system-based distributed computing and absolute security.
Challenging Hackers Around the World
While continuously connected to the internet for more than nine months, a challenge to hack the computer was issued with a financial reward to be given to any successful attack. To assist the hackers, the computer’s IP address, sign-in password, and target file name and location were provided.
Over 400,000 hits were recorded world-wide—some from locations in China, Russia and North Korea—without a single successful intrusion into the computer, even though it was used every day for routine work. We know of no other computer, software or security company in the world that has issued such a challenge because they already know that their software security systems are always vulnerable. Our hardware security system is not.
The only current defense against remote cyber attack other than cloistered isolation is software and because all software can be defeated by newer software, there exists the continuing spiral of security software being layered on hacking software.
The WINS enabling technologies are the brainchild of two scientists, Dan Greene and Jim Hair. Both are veterans of the Viet Nam war and part Cherokee Indian. Greene is the most highly educated NCO in the history of the Air Force’s Space Command and Hair is a former NASA physicist. Together, they hold more patents than any other private entity in Wyoming.
Knotts Lab is a world-renowned forensic engineering group that has investigated everything from Princess Dianna's death to the power outage at the Super Bowl. They formally reviewed the WINS electronics/control technology and deemed it revolutionary.
In addition, DARPA, the DOD, General Dynamics, AM General, Rockwell International, General Motors, Ford and others have favorably evaluated the technology. Without exception, they found the technology effective and efficient for their uses.
With all of WINS already proven technology advantages, you may ask why it is not already being integrated into a myriad of electronic, defense and computer systems?
There are many possible answers: institutional inertia, long-term contracts for traditional electronic systems or resistance from companies already realizing comfortable profits by using their old familiar designs. Any of these could be true, but proving any of them would be impossible.
Rather, WINS has chosen to take the high road.
First, we design, build and prove the technology. Done that.
Then we demonstrate and test the technology in the real world. Done that.
And finally, we get the word out to the innovators and the investors:
trying to find a better way to do an old job
looking for technology to do new jobs
or who are unafraid of disruptive technology solutions that will allow dreams to become reality. Working on tha
In the words of WINS’s CEO: “Our electronics technology has the very real potential of becoming ubiquitous throughout the entire landscape of electronics today. All we have to do is let everyone out there know that it actually does exist and then let nature take its course. In the end, it will be survival of the fittest, and the most efficient and secure will win the day.”
WINS Technology renders all current electronic/control systems obsolete.
Please direct requests for interviews and additional information to:
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