Flight or Fight

Should the airlines be fined and passengers compensated when a flight gets canceled with no warning and no explanation?
Weather and equipment problems I get. Everything else feels like an attempt by the airlines to screw their passengers for ill-timed flights that have not been filled with occupants to the airline’s satisfaction.
Voila! You get to the airport for that 6:30 AM flight to discover that its been canceled. You signed up for alerts, but no one sent you a text or email. You are now number 26 on the wait list for the flight at 7 AM (Good luck with that!) and they can guarantee you a seat on the 9:30 AM flight. The surly agent offers no reason for the cancellation.
Essentially, you should feel lucky that they will accommodate you on their 9:30 flight. Your plans to connect with other friends for a pre-wedding walk through and dinner are blown up like so much cannon fodder. No matter, you’re just Best Man for a college bud and are 16 hours removed from a 15-hour flight from Sydney, Australia to join your friend and his fiancé for this magical occasion.
Thank you, United Airlines.